The Marketplace  Directory

THAW is a Marketplace where you can give, buy, swap, sell or trade goods and services with the Autstralian community.  As a provider or seller, you can register your offerings on the marketplace where the community can access them.

At Macro Medical we combine the understanding of the body with your health issues, and teach you the safest and the most effective strategies necessary for disease reversal. Macro Medical provides education and treatment pertaining to reversing the pathways that cause chronic and degenerative metal and physical diseases. In all cases, the underlying cause of a disease is cell dysfunction. By targeting and restoring cellular biochemical and metabolic processes, we can regain normal function and reverse the progression of disease.

Macro Medical

Health and Wellbeing - Sage/Therapist/Professional, Health and Wellbeing - Supplements/Medicines/Remedies, Health and Wellbeing - Self-help and Education

Area: Australia-wide

